The Ghost of Graylock
Dan Poblocki
Staying with their aunts over the summer, Neil Cady, his sister Bree, and their new friends Wesley and Eric, set out to explore Graylock Hall, an abandoned psychiatric hospital that is supposed to be haunted by the ghost of Nurse Janet.
I ought to find a list of official genres and sub-genres. This book is a Juvenile Fiction Ghost Story, I guess. And it's scary.
This book is absolutely stunning. I loved the characters, even if Bree was inconsistent (apparently I have issues with inconsistencies more than anything else.) and the settings were amazing. Graylock is so chilling and Hedston is the picture of...Hedston.
My favorite part was definitely the ending, even though all of it was beautiful. And the climax was scary and I read it sitting in a windowsill which was a bad idea and it totally freaked me out and it was awesome. I'm sort of like, Why was this in the kids section, I don't get scared and it scared me. But it was amazing so.
It's small and short and it took me longer to read than it should (I'm a bad person. Shunshunshun.) and it was lovely. I keep saying that.
I have no negative comments about this book.
Go read it.
And now that life is back to being normal, I have to figure out what to read next. I'd ask for suggestions if I'd actually take you people at your word and not read whatever the heck I wanted. But I will read whatever the heck I want, so it's not worth it. (And I doubt that many people are actually reading, so.)
Anyways. Peace out.