
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Nightmarys by Dan Poblocki

The Nightmarys
Seventh-grader Timothy July and his new friend Abigail 
try to break a curse that is causing them and others to 
be tormented by their greatest fears brought to life. 

Genre: YA Horror 


Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow. I like. I just want to sing about Dan Poblocki and his perfect little writings of chilling amazing forever. Remember The Ghost of Graylock? And how it was like the best ghost story ever? Nightmarys was just about on par with it. My favorite thing about Poblocki's writing so far is that his stuff is creepy. It's chilling and it sets you on edge. But it is nowhere near so horrifically terrifying that you lose sleep or whatever. He lets it shine out in all its brilliance without being overwhelming. Hat off to you, dude.

Also his characters are amazing. Call me whatever you want, but I'm more inclined to like a fifteen to twenty five age range of characters. Just something that's a personal preference or whatever. But Poblocki's MCs are all around middle-school age, and they're awesome. Neil in Graylock, Timothy and Abigail in Nightmarys. They're not surface-level, and while not incredibly deep, they're interesting and they feel real and they're just just just awesome. 
The story here in Nightmarys was stunning as well. So many beautiful twists and turns that you kind of see lurking, but not quite, and then slap you in the face anyways. The conclusion was beautiful too. Very very cool. 
All in all, this book is going on my list of I-need-this-on-my-shelf-okay-okay, and I am super duper excited to read The Stone Child and for August to come so I can get The Haunting of Gabriel Ashe.  Poblocki is one of my new favorite authors, I have just decided. 

#No I'm not going to apologize for this being late. #I do what I want.